Feb 27, 2008

sometimes... it really doesnt rain but pours..

kinda exaggerating to use this idiom also.. but wth...

as with any stocks or random distribution curve, there is always an up trend and a down trend, seems like it's the time when i'm feeling low again... you can call it "quarter-life crisis", "mood swing"... btm line is, it's kinda sian luh

I even know how pple are going to console me about. i can even say out words of consolation to make miself feel better, but nothing beats talking about it and relieving the emotional burden. in this case i thought even a simple sms or a pat on the shoulder to show that you care, guess that'll do. i mean not to say i'm needy or what luh... just thought it'll be nice.

something to laugh abt...

"but i'm a guy and she's a girl"

shel: yea...but not of the same species

"i'm just trying to be a nice fren"

shel: oh of course

"but i'm not saying if a deeper r/ship is going to develop i'm not going to participate..."


"we'd have smart and good looking kids"

shel: (pause) ... "yea...not to mention, imaginary"


Feb 25, 2008

fantasy. is it real?

just saw the movie "the jacket"... intruiging really...it's about how a man survived a bullet shot to the head... and is wrongly accused of killing a policeman. dunno can consider lucky or not, his trauma in the war labelled him as mentally ill, and during his time there, he was given experimental drugs and locked in this compartment. so anyway the point was his mind (and his body) just appears inthe future when he finds out he's about to die in 4 days...

the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. in the movie, the male lead was diagnosed to have lost it. I hope I do not myself. Cos i'm really having a lot of dreams nowadays that are so vivid... and seem so real... it's affecting me in a way...maybe it's an overdosage of movies..

had been having flashbacks now n then...those you see in movies... where the protagonist will suddenly see a scene (supposedly of the future), and a very short one at that. dunno if it's my mind playing tricks on me or my mind's going on overdrive... these flashbacks... they sort of play a probable scenario of what might happen to me next. like how i might spill my drink.. like how i'll embarass myself by doing a certain thing... like how i meet with disaster...

none of them did happen though. but some pro-psychic person would say "oh... you saw the probable future and avoided it" while the critics would "oh com'on... anyone could think of that... it's just pure imagination on your part"

well, dwelling into fantasy, i recall this dream i had. I did not believe in ghosts in my dream, and so i drove, alone, to this deserted place. there was only this narrow road leading to a house, not the classic spooky brownish black eerie house with the backlight of lightning and an old elm tree with no leaves. the house resembles one of those bungalow houses, only with a weird mix of the American olden days of cowboys (bright yellow wood) and... the quiet dark alleys of London (those scenes from "nightmare at elm street". It was not badly lit, but not that dark either.

when i entered the house, there werent alot of cobwebs. it wasnt even overly dusty, as if someone periodically cleans it (maybe like once a month kinda thing..not dusty but not squeeky clean either). and so... my mind was like thinking... "ahh... haunted house... what crap"

just at that instant... right in front of my eyes, i saw a blackish image, with the back facing me...walking away in front of me. it was just a dull yellow wall in front of me. I stood dumbfounded as that figure walked straight through it.

My first reaction was to turn around and try to run away. As I turned, so did the house. How? you'd ask. my normal 3D vision suddenly become blurry. the surroundings seem to be spinning, as if under a very bad overdose of photoshop.the door which is now in front of me, appeared further and further and became smaller and smaller , shrinking into a "vanishing pt". I tried to run towards the door. the adreneline pumping, my heart beating ever so fast; when i reached the door there was a downward flight of stairs into a region of darkness. i darted down that flight of stairs... and woke up.

at that instant i felt like i really needed to go to the toilet. i looked at the clock on the wall. it reads 9.30. as fast as i woke up to reality, i drifted back to sleep again. the dream that followed was a familiar scene, a place i used to keep dreaming of, for which the people are strange, and where weird things happen to me, more of that next time. anyway, when i finally woke up again, it was 10 plus-ish...and my feeling to go to the toilet was greatly diminished!!! i thought to myself "oh shit... please dont let me wet my bed!" I touched the bed frantically, and heaved a sigh of relief when it was all dry and odourless.

I went outside to do fyp...and it was a full 1 hour later that i remembered that i should be unloading my pee. apparently my bladder likes playing tricks on myself also.

Feb 19, 2008

I'm more than I think I am

i really think i do... haha... REALLY!!

i'll be better... and irresistible... soon... HAHAHA~

自 high -.-

Feb 14, 2008

vday blues

msn stinks

so many misunderstandings haf resulted from misinterpreting the messages typed in MSN... so many people in busy mode just to avoid talking to certain pple (which also includes myself smtimes)... so many pple i dont wish to exist in my contact list... and how the pauses in between msges can mean so many things...

if reading another person's mind is an art, how about truly expressing one's emotions and tone in MSN?

"what does he mean by that... is it sarcasm? is it just bcos of his/her limited vocab... are we wired to understand connotations in the same wavelength? could the difference in full stop and 3 dots be connotatively different? why does she type lol when she's sitting calmly on her bed with the laptop in front of her, hardly even moving any facial muscle? how is it pple usually assume the negative meaning of a certain phrase when it could just all be innocent?

language has helped us communicate better with each other... but it has also pushed us further away. what we believe in can totally change the meaning of an identical sentence.