Oct 19, 2007

i'm not crappy anymore haha

seems like i'm losing that crappy part of myself; dunno if it's a good thing.

eye fira furly feemis fisyou foovair fairee feema fudge!!!!! craps....


Oct 13, 2007

cant reach!!

my dad was watching the news. the music for the weather report came on. I tried singing along with it. And it was too high!! craps...

oh i've been practising "i still believe" by vivi + cao ge. think it really rocks woo! finding female vocals very familiar with this song! haha :P

nowadays, write so many emails to prof and proj grp members. Now after i post every entry to my blog, always type "regards, CZ"... then realised...TYPE WAD REGARDS!! mi own blog lor... -.-

k la i'm dam sianz... can this sem's exam papers + solns please drop from the sky?????

Oct 9, 2007


It's 3.33am. I'm still awake doing FYP.

I ate nuggets. Crap. So much for avoiding oily food.

I see a distant light at the end of the tunnel. I hope it's not too far away.

My brain cant generate long sentences. *phew*

Oct 6, 2007

MAS Talk

What a nice dinner. Surrounded by intellectual people. Felt really shallow there haha. My table was like discussing CPF & aging popln issues. And I think being the only student from Engineering, the exec directors always wanted my views in response to the girls from accountancy.

"So, what course would you choose if you can turn back time?"

Accountancy girl : "I would still choose accountancy...blah blah (didnt actually bothered to hear her explanation - I should have huh..)

Exec Director: "What is the engineer's response to this"

Me (stunned): erm, (i think i didnt answer the qn directly...just mentioned why i chose engineering in the first place - the accountancy girl was staring...bet she thought I was like dumb or smth)

Exec Director (looking at me): What do you think the retirement age will be in the future?

Me : (i heard it but I was like totally lost) oh...come again?

Exec Director: (repeats qn)

Me : Oh, with the advancement of medicine and all, the life expectancy might be 100 in the future, and we might not be able to think of retirement till we are 75.

(Accountancy girl smiles as if like "100...siao...!")

oh btw, she kinda looked like nana...haha!! -.-

Think I didn't really leave a good impression to the Exec Directors. Keep talking about how I like to try new things to diversify my portfolio. When the MD took the stage he mentioned he don't like people who learn smth for 6 months then ask to learn another thing. "It must not always be 'me'...must also see how you can contribute to the company"

hMm. Overall it was an eye opening experience. Would gladly settle in MAS as a career. The working culture sounds great. Lots of opportunities available. And if I were to get into macroeconomics policy dept, my contributions would directly affect sg's economy! So yea, though I fared miserably in the "group interview" during dinner, still took back some positives from it.

Dinner was like french cuisine. Big plate, small servings. The water did help make me full. Although the aftermath of it was that I had to leave for the toilet in the middle of the MD's talk.

P.S. Think business school pple are quite easy to talk to. Managed to continue an extended conversation with this girl during cocktail session just by asking "hey where did you get this brochure from"

That's like the worst pick up line ever la... It worked nevertheless. Hah.


Mr Residue had an opaque green water bottle and nike shoes. Nowhere to be found hha. Now everyone wants to know how he looks like haha. stay tuned~!

Oct 3, 2007

Early in the morning, 6 o'clock...

I'm half hallucinating already. FYP... 他妈的...

Anyway, CYN!!! 我至少 = cute guy in the dark can? Sighz, I'm 帅 okie; when it's quite dark that time lah. But still 帅 what.

CZ to his future self: Please, if you don't mind, TAKE YOUR TIME MACHINE & COME BACK FROM THE FUTURE HELP ME ABIT LEY...wa lao...enjoying yourself in the future isit! pang sair kia...

Now also dunno whether want sleep or not. Chicken nene...

Thoughts are diverging, mind is boggling. Pupils are dilating. Double eyelids are appearing. Birds are flying, penguins are swimming; water bottle is empty, I'm thirsty. Songs are saddy, books aplenty.

FYP should be renamed F*** You, Professor. Aiya, but then again. 他人还算满好的啦. Just that, HAIYAH! Ok. Time to go back to my Eff Why Pee again...

SADNESS!!! crapz...