Oct 3, 2007

Early in the morning, 6 o'clock...

I'm half hallucinating already. FYP... 他妈的...

Anyway, CYN!!! 我至少 = cute guy in the dark can? Sighz, I'm 帅 okie; when it's quite dark that time lah. But still 帅 what.

CZ to his future self: Please, if you don't mind, TAKE YOUR TIME MACHINE & COME BACK FROM THE FUTURE HELP ME ABIT LEY...wa lao...enjoying yourself in the future isit! pang sair kia...

Now also dunno whether want sleep or not. Chicken nene...

Thoughts are diverging, mind is boggling. Pupils are dilating. Double eyelids are appearing. Birds are flying, penguins are swimming; water bottle is empty, I'm thirsty. Songs are saddy, books aplenty.

FYP should be renamed F*** You, Professor. Aiya, but then again. 他人还算满好的啦. Just that, HAIYAH! Ok. Time to go back to my Eff Why Pee again...

SADNESS!!! crapz...

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