Apr 28, 2008

the detergent that smells like fart

other than the usual water sound that i hear from the kitchen, I get totally "mesmerised" by the rafflesia smell emanating from the wash basin. To think that detergent was supposed to smell good, or at least not bad. Mum's theory was that it had dropped into the basin full of stale water.

seriously, sometimes it smells worse than rubbish. farts can actually win in a "smell good" contest if the detergent were to take part. any the detergent has a name. it's called 臭臭. wonder how 臭臭 show his face in front of his other detergent frens. they must be labelling him a loser. A detergent that smells. It's almost like superman on krypton, or a plant that produces carbon monoxide. Still, in the light of not wasting it all by throwing it away, it still has the cleaning dishes ability, only with the added disadvantage of smelling bad, really bad.

I could swear that in several occasions, my brother could tell that mum was washing dishes, in his room. which really is quite the distance for any smell to travel to.

Anyhow, 臭臭 dying soon. Not that I'll be feeling sad or anything. In fact I was hoping that 臭臭 never returns. It had been such an unforgettable smell that I sometimes imagine the smell in the middle of the night, even though no one was doing the dishes. I'll go "hey, did you fart?", and ask everyone around if they did. In actual fact, it must have been quite the "hallucination", smell-wise. Then, there could also be a possibility that a smelly spirit is lingering around. (no offence to any spirits out there)

Beginning to anticipate the sweet lemon fragrance that was supposed to be present during the washing of dishes. And I'm most certainly in the most bored of moods to even write so much about a bottle of detergent.

Oh, but there's one very obvious advantage to owning a smelly detergent like mine. There's always a time slot to let go of all my day's accumulated gases and push the blame on 臭臭.

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