Apr 3, 2008

if you had 1 super power, what would it be

rapid spontaneous cellular regeneration, or in other words, a cleric. hah.

advantages of RSCR:

1) immortality! well since the cells dont die i dont age. and... how good is that

2) sometimes when i'm lazy to walk i can just jump downstairs to buy tidbits.

3) i can pull out mi hair when i'm stressed and not worry tt they wont grow back

4) it means i can theoretically not eat, drink or breathe in oxygen, or expel waste. save me all the trouble of eating things i dont like, and breathe in my own da bian molecules when i shit

5) there's a chance my blood could save lives and reserrect the dead

disadvantages of RSCR:

1) researchers might wanna do mean experiments on me

2) wont be able to change how i look since it'll always grow back the same. kinda like a fashion disaster.

3) theoretically, i should develop cancer, too many live cells. or maybe it'll be taken care of

i'm bored. and everyone's busy. and this is one of the things i think about when i'm bored.

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